USA students studying in Dublin (Champlain College)  seeking THREE LEADS for a low budget short film. Small fee and travel expenses will be covered within reason.

Actor Requirements – 4 hour availability on Saturday, November 10 and Sunday, November 11. The film set will be monitored by Champlain professor and award-winning filmmaker, Barrie Dowdall, in addition to a full crew of Champlain students.

Synopsis: “Nova of the Sky” tells the story of a young girl, Nova, dealing with the loss of her mother through her world of make-believe and fantasy.

Miss Flannigan – 24 – 30 years old

A young school teacher at a prestigious private school. She is kind-hearted, and known for her gentle approach with children.

Dad – 30 – 45 years old

A single parent raising Nova, struggling with the loss of his wife. He is ambitious, and a little frazzle-minded.

Nova – 8 -10 years old

A bright young girl full of dreams and fantasies. She is struggling with the loss of her mother, and places all of her hope in make-believe. She is the lead actress of the film.

AUDITIONS – October 8, 19:00 at city center location to be determined. Please email for more information, and to sign up for auditions. Script available upon request.

Montserrat Guerra-Solano, Director and Writer.


The Gaiety School of Acting is not associated with any castings on this blog unless otherwise stated.