‘Afterlife’ Short Film

Clones Film Commission 2018


Currently casting for Afterlife, a dark supernatural comedy about a deadman who discovers he is a vampire and is persuaded by the local undertaker to go ahead with his own wake before going off to enjoy his ‘afterlife.’  It aims at  ‘Fargo-with-vampires’ with dark humour and larger than life characters dealing with big events in small-town Clones.

We are currently looking for a talented cast to fill the following key roles:  

Joe – (30s)  a put-upon, world weary guy who is given a fresh start when he wakes up a vampire in the local undertaker’s.

Laura – (30s) a worn-down widow in her 30s whose deep-seated thirst for freedom emerges before she wakes up in the undertaker’s with a familiar neck wound, and a new lease on ‘life’.

Cathal (7-10) a good kid who thinks the world of his father, despite what others think. He has a childhood tic that he’s expected to grow out of. When he becomes a young vampire Cathal becomes locked at an age where he forever idolises his daddy, however he also will never grow out of that childhood tic of his.

Bruce McGuigan – (40s) an inept undertaker whose business has long been on death’s door. When a corpse awakens as a vampire Bruce realises he can’t allow a ‘body’ disappear and so proposes a mock funeral before letting him go.

Peg – (60s)  Peg is Laura’s mother – she looks after youngster, Cathal and they share a very close bond. Peg works on encouraging Cathal out of his childhood tic to no avail.

We are open to both experienced and first-time actors and would particularly like to hear from actors from Monaghan and the surrounding areas.

Filming takes place on 5th – 7th Oct (inclusive) in Clones, Co. Monaghan.
The film will premiere on the closing night of this year’s Clones Film Festival – October 28th.  Following this the film will screen at film festivals in Ireland and abroad.

Send CVs & headshots along with links to relevant work to


The Gaiety School of Acting is not associated with any castings on this blog unless otherwise stated.